Thomas moved an amendment to the proposed composition of the Standing Committee on Administration and Procedure to add independents as committee members.
The Standing Committee on Administration and Procedure is the only committee expressly referred to in the Standing Orders and is responsible for managing parliamentary business. In 1998, the last time independents sat in the Assembly, this committee included representatives from all parties plus an independent.
Thomas received support from the entire crossbench for his amendment. Unfortunately, the Labor and Liberal parties teamed up to defeat the amendment, which means Thomas and Fiona Carrick cannot participate in this committee as members. They will be able to attend certain meetings of the committee as witnesses, but without voting rights.
Thomas supported amendments put forward by the ACT Greens and separately the Canberra Liberals allowing representatives from each party to participate on other committees.
Video: Legislative Assembly - Tuesday, 3 December 2024
Thomas' speech: 11:46:53 am